
BBC 新世紀福爾摩斯(Sherlock)




第三季第一集很搞笑、賣腐,應該沒人不喜歡開場的幻想片段吧?第四季全部(三集)是我不太願意多看幾次的,一開始Marry領便當;第二集Sherlock和John失意消沈,雖然破了案,但Sherlock失意消沈的樣子實在令人難過;第三集就更別說了,精神虐待加精神變態,令我難過又不解的就是「I Love You棺材」那段,同時精神虐待Molly和Sherlock,Molly在家泡茶也不得安寧⋯⋯我後來查了很多文章,美國的影劇網站、編劇回覆網友提問、大陸網民討論等等,試圖找出這段埋的梗和目的,編劇Moffat在10週年紀念回覆網友提問(https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/sherlock-anniversary-qa-steven-moffat-sherlock-does-love-molly/)時提到:

To mark the anniversary, creators Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue took part in a QA ession answering fan questions read out by Moffat and Vertue’s son (and young Sherlock) Louis Moffat.

To a question about how the ‘I love you’ scene in the series four finale ‘The Final Problem’ would have affected Sherlock and Molly’s relationship (in which Sherlock is forced to make Molly Hooper utter those words, ostensibly to save her life as part of Eurus’ twisted game), Moffat said that he’d given an irritable answer to this question before (presumably here). Here’s what he says now:

‘The thing that changes in that scene – and I really love that scene – is that Sherlock’s hugely emotional reaction to it afterwards is really a reaction to the fact he realises that’s the culmination of him having been an absolute arsehole to Molly for years and just realising sort of in that moment, that was a terrible way to behave. I sort of think he wouldn’t ever be like that again. He does love her, but not in the way she would like to be loved, but he does love her. He would always look after her, he would always protect her if he had to. Hell would fall on anyone who attacked Molly.’

他說Sherlock does, he does love Molly, but not in the way she would like to be loved, but he does love her. 從全部四季12集裡我尚未察覺到愛情,但Sherlock的確一直很信任Molly、越來越習慣Molly的陪伴,Molly不是特別的That Woman,但Sherlock也只是個一般人,不是嗎?

