
黑社會無法參透啊~~~ Visual Studio Team Suite

這幾天花了好多時間在看M$的Visual Studio Team Suite, 撇開language不談, 這東西還蠻適合拿來做測試的.

依照M$官方文件指出, 他支援的Test Type共有:
Unit Test
Generic Test
Load Test
Manual Test
Ordered Test
Web Test

礙於M$家族的關係, Unit Test僅能測試Visual C# or Visual Basic, or that is coded in Visual C++ and compiled with /clr:safe.
Generic Test, 指的也是an existing program or test from another source that has been wrapped to function as a test in Visual Studio. 看樣子也是綁M$家的東西.
至於Ordered Test, 是M$家自己定義出來的名詞. An ordered test is a container that holds other tests, that is, unit, Web, generic, manual, and ordered tests, but not load tests. An ordered test guarantees a specific execution order.

可以算不受到M$控制的, 大概只有Manual Test、Web Test、Load Test.
Manual Test, 會開一個漂亮的Word Template, 測試工程師可以填寫裡面的內容. 但要達到這目的, 只需要一個Tempate和文書編輯器就可以了, 或者說是我才疏學淺未能參透M$高層心意?

Web Test, 我覺得比JMeter好用多了, 可以錄下用IE(不然還想怎樣)操作的過程, 包含post與get的http request, 也支援SSL.
但在執行時, 無法自動run出用Javascript做出的"特效", 各大Web Tool都無法支援, 所以就饒了M$吧.
執行結束, 若有錯誤, 可看錯誤發生的點與原因, 頗方便.

Load Test, 號稱支援Smoke Test、Stress Test、Performance Test、Capacity Planning.
有點雷聲大雨點小 ... 官方文件中有一段話讓我很困擾 ...

Think times are used to simulate human behavior that causes people to wait between interactions with a Web site. Think times occur between requests in a Web test and between test iterations in a load test scenario. Using think times in a load test can be useful in creating more accurate load simulations. You can change whether think times are used or ignored in load tests.
Think times are very important during load tests because they set the pace of the test. It is important to review the recorded think times of your Web tests to make sure they accurately reflect realistic wait times. It is easy to be distracted during a recording session and end up with unexpectedly long think times that have an adverse effect on a load test. To avoid this problem, you can pause the recorder.

事實上, Think Time這樣的資訊, 僅在使用者行為分析時會派上用場, 例如行銷人員想要分析網站哪些頁面讓訪客停留最久, 在負載測試時是沒什麼意義的, 不是嗎? Load Test就是要在段時間內測試網站的Respone和承受程度, 我參不透M$的想法 ... (大概是我變笨了吧)

總之, 算是蠻方便的Test Tool.

2 意見:

匿名 提到...

Ordered Test?...看樣子不就是SIT嗎?定什麼鳥名詞啊...不過不搞獨規就不叫M$了,只是這也不叫獨規,獨規是指獨家規格,M$通常幹的事應該叫 "封規" - 封閉規格... (瘋龜?!)

黑社會小妹妹 提到...

所以我才說我參不透M$高層的心意ㄚ, 人家還是說Ordered Test, 哪有什麼SIT ...
不搞獨特, 就不叫M$啦!