1. install appserv-win32-2.5.9.exe (PHP+MySQL+Apache) 2. create database mantis (utf8_bin) 3. create database user for mantis 4. download mantis : http://www.mantisbt.org/download.php , InstantMantis-1.1.1.zip unzip InstantMantis-1.1.1.zip mv InstantMantis-1.1.1\root\mantis to C:\AppServ\www
5. If you want to use jpgraph function (1) download arialuni.ttf, mv it into c:\windows\fonts\ (2) create C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph (3) download jpgraph-2.3.tar.gz, unzip jpgraph-2.3.tar.gz, mv jpgraph-2.3\src to C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph (4) modify C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph\src\jpg-config.inc.php add: DEFINE("TTF_DIR", "C:/windows/fonts/"); mark: //DEFINE('CHINESE_TTF_FONT','bkai00mp.ttf'); add: DEFINE('CHINESE_TTF_FONT','arialuni.ttf'); (5) modify C:\AppServ\www\mantis\core\graph_api.php a. 把所有FS_BOLD改成FS_NORMAL, 因為此字型不支援style bold b. find function graph_get_font(), 在$t_font_map = array(...)內新增 'chinese_big5' => FF_BIG5 (6) modify C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph\src\jpgraph_ttf.inc.php find these: elseif( $aFF === FF_CHINESE ) { if( !function_exists('iconv') ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25006); //('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).'); } return iconv('BIG5','UTF-8',$aTxt); 變更為 elseif( $aFF === FF_CHINESE ) { /*if( !function_exists('iconv') ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25006); //('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).'); } return iconv('BIG5','UTF-8',$aTxt);*/ return $aTxt; (7) modify C:\Windows\php.ini find extension=php_gd2.dll, 若前方有分號(;), 將分號移除 (optional) 可調整以下的值 max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds memory_limit = 16M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
6. modify C:\AppServ\www\mantis\config_inc.php add: //Information $g_window_title = 'TWM Mantis System'; $g_page_title = 'Welcome to TWM Issue Tracking System'; //Language $g_default_language = 'chinese_traditional_utf8'; //Allow anonymous login, 是否允許anonymous申請帳號, ON or OFF $g_allow_signup = OFF; //Mail $g_send_reset_password = OFF; //When set to ON, Mantis will email the users their new passwords when their accounts are reset. If set to OFF, the password will be reset to blank and no e-mail will be sent. Default is ON. 若SMTP尚未設定完成, 可將此參數設成OFF, 以利User登入後自行修改密碼. #$g_phpMailer_method = 2; #$g_smtp_host = 'TCCEXCH01.pcdc.com.tw'; // whatever you smtp server is #$g_smtp_username = 'xxx'; #$g_smtp_password = 'xxx'; #$g_administrator_email = ''; #$g_webmaster_email = ''; #$g_from_email = ''; #$g_stop_on_errors = ON; #$g_email_receive_own = OFF; #$g_validate_email = OFF; //Session and Cookie #$g_cookie_time_length = //Automatically redirect after short amount of time #$g_wait_time = //自動轉向延遲時間 //Jpgraph Package, if you want to use jpgraph function $g_use_jpgraph = ON; $g_jpgraph_path = 'C:/AppServ/www/mantis/jpgraph/src/' //jpgraph plug-in folder $g_graph_font= 'chinese_big5'; //Time and Date $g_short_date_format = 'Y-m-d'; $g_normal_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i'; $g_complete_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i'; putenv('TZ=CCT-8'); //使用台北時間 //File Upload $g_file_upload_method = DISK; $g_absolute_path_default_upload_folder = 'D:/mantis/upload/'; $g_max_file_size = 5000000; //上傳檔案最大5MB, 與php.ini有關, 若有需要記得調整php.ini內的upload_max_filesize $g_disallowed_files = 'php,php3,phtml,html,class,java,exe,pl'; //不允許上傳的檔案
最後, 附上吉賽兒於公園演唱的That's How You Know歌詞, 希望大家能天天都有愉快喜樂的心情.
Lyrics: Giselle: How does she know you love her? How does she know she's yours?
Man: How does she know that you love her?
Giselle: How do you show her you love her?
Both: How does she know that you really, really, truly love her? How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you love her? How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?
Giselle: It's not enough to take the one you love for granted You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say... "How do I know he loves me?" "How do I know he's mine?"
Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind? Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy! He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday That's how you know, that's how you know! He's your love...
Man: You've got to show her you need her Don't treat her like a mind reader Each day do something to need her To believe you love her
Giselle: Everybody wants to live happily ever after Everybody wants to know their true love is true... How do you know he loves you? How do you know he's yours?
Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close? Dedicate a song with words in Just for you? Ohhh!
All: He'll find his own way to tell you With the little things he'll do That's how you know That's how you know!
Giselle: He's your love He's your love...
That's how you know He loves you That's how you know It's true
Because he'll wear your favorite color Just so he can match your eyes Rent a private picnic By the fires glow-oohh!
All: His heart will be yours forever Something everyday will show That's how you know [x7]
Giselle: He's your love...
Man: That's how she knows that you love her That's how you show her you love her
Giselle: That's how you know... That's how you know... He's your love...