來自Françoise的維也納明信片 ... 感動!
是的, Françoise 夫妻倆又出遊了, 這回他們去維也納旅行, 文藝之都, 風景美不勝收.
很羨慕他們每隔一段時間就會安排出去走走, 調劑一下疲憊的身心.
Françoise在明信片上問我: "I see your work a lot"
I often work overtime in this project, and I am in a little difficult situation.
The system will go launch on 5/1, but still has some bugs ...
I have to urge again and again, and I am already tired of it.
Now, I wish everything will be fine on 5/1, and I can close this project successfully.
今天到外婆家吃飯, 聽見表弟要參加研究所面試, 又看到外婆消瘦的雙頰.
慶幸自己沒有忙到沒時間陪伴親人, 但對這幾年作專案做的心情超差腦細胞又死一堆又沒成長的處境感到很大的無奈與一點悲哀.
人生在世的真正意義為何? 為天下人? 為親人? 為自己?
事實的真相只有一個, 但符合的答案可能一千.
藍星人! 加油!